Modulación de la respuesta inflamatoria y de la reactividad glial
en modelos de neurodegeneración

Grupo de trabajo

Directora de LíneaBellini

Bellini, María José


Falomir Lockhart, EugeniaFalomir Eugenia


Dolcetti, Franco Juan CruzDolcetti


Anesetti, SoledadAnesetti


Bigres, AraceliBigres

Personal de apoyo

Lofeudo, Juan ManuelLofeudo

Personal de apoyo

Colaboradores de otras instituciones

García-Segura, Luis Miguel
Instituto Cajal, Madrid, España.

Diz-Chaves, Yolanda
Instituto Cajal, Madrid, España.

Correa, Fernando
Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos (CEFyBO), Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UBA.

Hereñú, Claudia B.
IFEC- Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba.

Labombarda, Florencia
Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - (IBYME -CONICET).

Perelló, Mario
Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular, IMBICE, La Plata.

Pietranera, Luciana
Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - (IBYME -CONICET).

Ramos, Alberto Javier
Instituto de Biología Celular y Neurociencia "PROFESOR EDUARDO DE ROBERTIS" (IBCN), Facultad de Medicina, UBA.

Resumen de línea

Intereses principales:

Nuestro principal interés se centra en dilucidar los mecanismos que llevan a la neurodegeneración durante el envejecimiento, fundamentalmente los relacionados con la respuesta inflamatoria.
El objetivo primordial de nuestro trabajo es desarrollar estrategias terapéuticas que recuperen las poblaciones neuronales afectadas por la edad. La posibilidad de emplear factores neurotróficos que prevengan la neurodegeneración, aumenten la recuperación neuronal y regulen la respuesta inflamatoria es clínicamente relevante.


La inflamación crónica desempeña un rol importante en las enfermedades neurodegenerativas más comunes.
Una posible diana terapéutica para el tratamiento de la enfermedad puede ser bloquear a los causantes de esa neuroinflamación.
La microglia y los astrocitos son las principales células efectoras que contribuyen a la inflamación cerebral.

• Investigar los posibles efectos anti-inflamatorios, neuroprotectores y/o restauradores del IGF-1 en roedores envejecientes y modelos experimentales de enfermedades neurodegenerativas.
• Determinar si el envejecimiento y las diferencias sexuales pueden afectar su acción neuroprotectora.
• Dilucidar los mecanismos celulares y moleculares de la actividad antiinflamatoia del IGF-1 en cerebro.
• Estudiar el rol de las células gliales como mediadores de los efectos del IGF-1
• Caracterizar los cambios en la composición lipídica asociados a la edad y al sexo.

Líneas de Trabajo

1-Reprogramación celular y terapia génica para el tratamiento de la neurodegeneración dopaminérgica motora.
Responsable: Eugenia Falomir-Lockhart

La finalidad última de este proyecto es estudiar integralmente el sistema nervioso-motor aplicando estrategias de terapia génica y medicina regenerativa en el sistema dopaminérgico (nigro-estriatal) con el fin de mejorar las deficiencias relacionadas con la edad en las vías motoras del sistema dopaminérgico encefálico.

2-El hipotálamo como centro regulador del envejecimiento- Terapia génica antiinflamatoria.
Responsable:Dolcetti, Franco

La hipótesis central de este plan es que la transferencia de genes neuroprotectores constituye una estrategia efectiva para disminuir la respuesta inflamatoria en el envejecimiento, constituyendo un posible tratamiento de diversos procesos neurodegenerativos asociados a la edad. En particular planteamos que la terapia génica intrahipótalámica para el factor insulino símil de tipo I (IGF-I) modularía la respuesta inmune con el consecuente retraso en la aparición de daños asociados al envejecimiento y/o la mejoría de los mismos una vez se hayan producido.

El envejecimiento es el resultado de múltiples cambios fisiológicos y el hipotálamo puede ser un mediador subyacente representando un blanco de estrategias interventoras para contrarrestar el envejecimiento y las enfermedades relacionadas con el mismo.

Intracisternal IGF-1 gene therapy abrogates kainic acid-induced excitotoxic damage of the rat spinal cord.
Nishida, Fabián; Zanuzzi, Carolina N. (Idéntica Contribución Con El Primer Autor); Sisti, María S.; Falomir Lockhart, Eugenia; Camiña, Agustina E.; Hereñú, Claudia B.; Bellini, María J.; Portiansky, Enrique L.
2020. European journal of neuroscience. Londres: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, 2020 -. vol. 52, n° 5, p. 3339-3352. ISSN 0953-816X

Dancing with Glia: The Role of Astrocytes, Microglia and Oligodendrocytes and their Relation with Neurons in Neuroinflammation and Aging.
Macarena Lorena Herrera; Franco Juan Cruz Dolcetti; Eugenia Falomir-Lockhart; Leandro Champarini; Jeronimo Peninni; Claudia B Hereñú; Maria José Bellini.
2020. Open access journal of biomedical science. Biomedscis, 2020 - vol. 3, p. 732-741

Modulating Glial Cells Phenotype: New Findings and Therapies.
Bellini, María José; Diz-Chaves, Yolanda; Ramos, Alberto Javier.
2020. Frontiers in aging neuroscience. Frontiers Media S.A., 2020 - . vol. 12

Early Cognitive Impairment Behind Nigrostriatal Circuit Neurotoxicity: Are Astrocytes Involved?.
Herrera, Macarena L.; Deza-Ponzio, Romina; Ghersi, Marisa S.; De La?Villarmois, Emilce A.; Virgolini, Miriam B.; Pérez, Mariela F.; Molina, Victor A.; Bellini, María J * Corresponding Author, Equally Contribution; Hereñú, Claudia B. * Corresponding Author, Equally Contribution.
2020. Asn neuro. Thousand Oaks: SAGE, 2020 - vol. 12, ISSN 1759-0914

Sex frailty differences in ageing mice: Neuropathologies and therapeutic projections.
Herrera, Macarena Lorena; Basmadjian, Osvaldo Martin; Falomir-Lockhart, Eugenia; Dolcetti, Franco Juan?Cruz; Hereñú, Claudia Beatriz * Corresponding Author, Equally Contribution; Bellini, María José * Corresponding Author, Equally Contribution.
2020. European journal of neuroscience. Londres: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, p. 2827-2837. ISSN 0953-816X

IGF1 Gene Therapy Modifies Microglia in the Striatum of Senile Rats. Frontiers in aging neuroscience.
Falomir-Lockhart E; Dolcetti, Franco Juan Cruz; García-Segura, Luis M.; Hereñu, Claudia B.; Bellini, Maria J.
2019: Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation. ISSN 1663-4365

Novel adenoviral IGF-1 administration modulates the association between depressive symptoms and aging: Does gender matter?
Herrera, Macarena Lorena; Basmadjian, Osvaldo Martín; Falomir Lockhart, Eugenia; Dolcetti, Franco Juan-Cruz; Hereñú, Claudia Beatriz; Bellini, María José.
2019: Behavioural brain research. Amsterdam: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, vol. 372, ISSN 0166-4328

Physical, histological, endocrinological and steroidogenical evaluation of male cats postnatally exposed to sexual steroids.
Grisolia, M.; Faya, M.; Marchetti, C.; Merlo, M. López; D´Francisco, F.; Bellini, M. J.; Gobello, C.
2019: Theriogenology. Amsterdam: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, vol. 138, p. 47-51. ISSN 0093-691X

Estradiol Activates PI3K/Akt/GSK3 Pathway Under Chronic Neurodegenerative Conditions Triggered by Perinatal Asphyxia.
Saraceno, G. E; Bellini, M. J; García-Segura, L. M; Capani, F.
2018. Frontiers in pharmacology. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. vol. 9.

Exploring the effects of IGF-1 gene therapy to modulate neuroinflammation.
Falomir-Lockhart, E; Dolcetti, F. J. C; Anesetti-Nelli, S. J; Hereñu, C. B; Bellini, M. J.
2017. Glia: Wiley-Liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc. vol. 65, n° S1, p. 90-91. ISSN 0894-1491

Deterioro cognitivo asociado a la patología parkinsoniana: El rol del hipocampo.
Herrera, M. L; Falomir Lockhart, E; Dolcetti, F. J. C; Bellini, M. J; Hereñu, C. B.
2016. Ciencia insitu: Federación Argentina Científica de Estudiantes de la Salud, vol. 1, n° 2, p. 23-27. ISSN 2469-2433

Magnetofection enhances adenoviral vector-based gene delivery in skeletal muscle cells.
Pereyra, A. S; Mykhaylyk, O; Falomir Lockhart, E; Taylor, J. R; Delbono, O; Goya, R. G; Plank, C; Hereñu, C. B.
2016. Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology 04/2016; 7(364)

Calpain inhibition rescues troponin T3 fragmentation, increases Cav1.1 and enhances skeletal muscle force in aging sedentary mice.
Zhang, T; Pereyra, A. S; Wang, Z. M; Birbrair, A; Reisz, J. A; Files, C. D; Purcell, L; Feng, X; Messi, M. L; Feng, H; Chalovich, J; Jin, J-P; Furdui, C; Delbono, O.
2016. Aging Cell. 2016 Feb 19. doi: 10.1111/acel.12453

Troponin T3 regulates nuclear localization of the calcium channel CavB1a subunit in skeletal muscle.
Zhang, T; Taylor, J; Jiang, Y; Pereyra, A. S; Messi, M; Wang, Z. M; Hereñú, C; Delbono, O.
2015. Experimental Cell Research. 2015 May 15; 336 (2): 276-286

Therapeutic exercise attenuates neutrophilic lung injury and skeletal muscle wasting.
D. Clark Files; Liu, C; Pereyra, A. S; Zhong-Min Wang; Aggarwal, N; D´Alessio, F; Delbono, O.
2015. Science Translational Medicine. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science, vol. 7, n° 278, p. 278-310. ISSN 1946-6234

Cognitive impairment and morphological changes in the dorsal hippocampus of very old female rats.
Morel, G; Andersen, T; Pardo, J; Zucolilli, G. O; Cambiaggi, V. L; Hereñú, C; Goya, R. G.
2015. Neuroscience. Amsterdam: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, p. 189-199. ISSN 0306-4522

Regional research priorities in brain and nervous system disorders.
Ravindranath, V; Dang, H. M; Goya, R. G; Mansour, H; Nimgaonkar, V. L; Russell, V. A; Xin, Y.
2015. Nature, 527: S198–S206

Estrogen actions on glial reactivity and inflammation-mediated memory impairment: Sex differences and interaction with other neurotrophic factors.
Bellini, M. J.
2015. González-Burgos (Ed.); Nova Science Publishers, July 01, 2015, Pages 155-174

Neuroprotective gene therapy in the aging brain.
Pardo, J; Morel, G. R; Pereyra, A. S; López-León, M; Brown-O. A, Bellini, M. J; Goya, R. G.
2014. Estrogens and Cognition. Psycho-biological and Clinical Aspects: González-Burgos (Ed.) ISBN: 978-81-308-0550-4; pp.97-117

Therapeutic potential of the thymic peptide thymulin.
Reggiani, P. C; Schwerdt, J. I; Cónsole, G. M; Roggero, E; Dardenne, M; Goya, R. G.
2014. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 20: 4690-4696

Physiology and therapeutic potential of the thymic peptide thymulin.
Reggiani, P. C; Schwerdt, J. I; Console, G. M; Roggero, E. A; Dardenne, M; Goya, R. G.
2014. Current Pharmaceutical Design. Oak Park: BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBL LTD,. vol. 20, n° 29, p. 4690-4696. ISSN 1381-6128

Regenerative Medicine for the Aging Brain.
Lopez Leon, M; Reggiani, P; Hereñú, C; Goya, R.
2014. Herbert Publication, vol. 1, n° 1, p. 1-9. ISSN 2050-1218.Enliven J Stem Cell Res Regen Med.

The Cavβ1a subunit regulates gene expression and suppresses myogenin in muscle progenitor cells.
Taylor, J; Pereyra, A. S; Zhang, T; Messi, M. L; Zhong-Min Wang; Hereñú, C; Pei-Fen Kuan; Delbono, O.
2014. Journal of Cell Biology. New York: ROCKEFELLER UNIV PRESS,.vol. 205, n° 6, p. 829-846. ISSN 0021-9525

DNA nanoparticle-mediated thymulin gene therapy prevents airway remodeling in experimental allergic asthma.
Da Silva, A.L; Martini, S. V; Abreu, S.C; Samary, C. D; Diaz, B. L; Fernezlian S de Sá, V. K; Capelozzi, V. L; Boylan, N. J; Goya, R. G; Suk, J. S; Rocco, P. R; Hanes, J; Morales, M. M.
2014. Journal of Controlled Release. Amsterdam: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. vol. 180, p. 125-133. ISSN 0168-3659

Gene therapy and cell reprogramming for the aging brain: achievements and promise.
Pardo, J; Morel, G. R; Astiz, M; Schwerdt, M. I; López León, M; Rodríguez, S. S;Hereñú, C. B; Goya, R. G.
2014. Curr Gene Ther; 14:24-34

Transferencia génica asistida por campos magnéticos: estudios en células gliales.
Pardo, J; Sosa, Y; Reggiani, P. C; Arciniegas, M. L; Sánchez, F; Goya, R. G.
2013. Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana. La Plata: Federacion Bioquímica Provincia Buenos Aires, vol. 47, n° 2, p. 399-406. ISSN 0325-2957

The thymulin-lactotropic axis in rodents: thymectomy, immunoneutralization and gene transfer studies.
Martines, E. V; Reggiani, P. C; Camihort, G; Luna, G; Zappa, M. F; Brown, O. A; Goya, R. G; Cónsole, G. M.
2013. Neuroimmunomodulation. Basel: Karger. vol. 20, p. 256-263. ISSN 1021-7401

Hypothalamic insulin-like growth factor-I gene therapy prolongs estral cyclicity and protects ovarian structure in middle-aged female rats.
Rodriguez, S. S; Schwerdt, J. I; Barbeito, C. G; Flamini, A. M; Han, Y; Bohn, M. C; Goya, R. G.
2013. Endocrinology.Bethesda: Endocrine Soc. vol. 154, n° 6, p. 2166-2173. ISSN 0013-7227

Magnetic field-assisted gene transfer: Studies in glial cells (in Spanish).
Pardo, J; Sosa, Y. E; Reggiani, P. C; Arciniegas, M. L; Sánchez, F; Goya, R. G.
2013. Acta Bioquímica Latinoamericana; 47: 399-406

Role of copper and cholesterol association in the neurodegenerative process.
Arnal, N; Morel, G. R; Tacconi de Alaniz, M. J; Dominici, L; Marra, C. A.
2013. Int J Alzheimers Dis; 2013:414817. doi: 10.1155/2013/414817. Epub 2013 Oct 29

Estradiol and testosterone regulate arginine-vasopressin expression in SH-SY5Y human female neuroblastoma cells through estrogen receptors-α and -β.
Grassi, D; Bellini, M. J; Acaz-Fonseca, E; Panzica, G; Garcia-Segura, L. M.
2013. Endocrinology. 154: 2092-100

Prenatal stress increases the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and exacerbates the inflammatory response to LPS in the hippocampal formation of adult male mice.
Diz-Chaves, Y; Astiz, M; Bellini, M. J; Garcia-Segura, L. M.
2013. Brain Behavior and Immunity. Amsterdam: Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science. vol. 28, p. 196-206. ISSN 0889-1591

Magnetic field-assisted gene delivery: achievements and therapeutic potential.
Schwerdt, J. I; Goya, G. F; Calatayud, P; Hereñu, C; Reggiani, P. C; Goya, R. G.
2012. Current gene therapy. Oak Park: Bentham Science Public Ltd, vol. 12,n° 1, p. 116-126

Neonatal thymulin gene therapy prevents ovarian dysgenesis and attenuates reproductive derangements in nude female mice.
Reggiani, P. C; Barbeito, C. G; Zuccolilli, G. O; Cónsole, G. M; Flamini, A. M; Dardenne, M; Goya, R. G.
2012. Endocrinology: Endocrine Soc, vol. 153, n° 8, p. 3922-3928

Role of thymulin on the somatotropic axis in vivo.
Reggiani, P.C; Martinez, E; Camihort, G.A; Poch, B; Goya, R. G; Console, G. M.
2012. Life Sciences, Amsterdam: Pergamon - ElSevier Science Ltd, vol. 91, p. 166-171

Influence on Effectiveness of Early Treatment with Anti-TNF Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Escudero-Vilaplana, V; Ramírez-Herraiz, E; Trovato-López, N; Alañón-Plaza, E; Bellini, M; Herranzalonso, A; Bellón-Cano, J.M; Morell-Baladrón, A; Sanjurjo-Sáez, M.
2012. Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. : Canadian Soc Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 15, n° 3, p. 355-360

Selective oestrogen receptor modulators decrease the inflammatory response of glial cells.
Arevalo, M.A; Diz-Chaves, Y; Santos-Galindo, M; Bellini, M.J; Garcia-Segura, L.M.
2012. Journal of neuroendocrinology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, vol. 24, p. 183-190

Increased romatase expression in the hippocampus of spontaneously hypertensive rats: effects of estradiol administration.
Pietranera, L; Bellini, M. J; Arévalo, M. A; Goya, R; Brocca, M. E; García Segura, L. M; De Nicola, A. F.
2011. Neuroscience, 174: p. 151-159

Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of defence secretion of Ulomoides dermestoides on A549 cells.
Reggiani, P. C; Poch, B; Cónsole, G. M; Rimoldi, O. J; Schwerdt, J. I; Tüngler, V; García-Bravo, M. M; Dardenne, M; Goya, R. G.
2011. J Ethnopharmacol 136, 204–209. Editorial: Elsevier.

Increased number of neurons in the cervical spinal cord of aged female rats.
Portiansky, E. L; Nishida, F; Barbeito, C. G; Gimeno, E. J; Goya, R. G.
2011. PloS One, 6: e22537

Insulin-like growth factor I gene delivery to astrocytes reduces their inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide.
Bellini, M. J; Hereñú, C. B; Goya, R. G; García Segura, L. M.
2011. Neuroinflammation, 8: 21

Restorative effect of intracerebroventricular Insulin-like Growth Factor-I gene therapy on motor performance in aging rats.
Nishida, F; Morel, G. R; Hereñú, C. B; Schwerdt, J. I; Goya, R. G; Portiansky, E. L
2011. Neuroscience, 177: 195 - 206

Thymulin-based gene therapy and pituitary function in animal models of aging.
Reggiani, P. C; Poch, B; Cónsole, M. G; Rimoldi, O. J; Schwerdt, J. I; Tüngler, V; García de Bravo, M. M; Dardenne, M; Goya, R. G.
2011. Neuroimmuno-modulation, 18: 350-356

Morphological effects on the corticotrope population by thymulin gene therapy in nude mice.
Martinez, E. V; Reggiani, P. C; Schwerdt, J. I; Goya, R. G; Cónsole, G. M.
2011. Histology and Histopathology; 26: 471-479

Thymulin gene therapy prevents the histomorphometric changes induced by thymulin deficiency in the thyrotrope population of mice.
Martinez, E. V; Reggiani, P. C; Schwerdt, J. I; Goya, R. G; Cónsole, G. M.
2011. Cells, Tissues, Organs, 194: 67-75

Long-term deficiency of circulating and hippocampal insulin-like growth factor I induces depressive behavior; adult mice: a potential model of geriatric depression.
Mitschelen, M; Yan, H; Farley, J. A; Warrington, J. P; Han, S; Hereñú, C. B; Csiszar, A; Ungvari, Z; Bailey-Downs, L. C; Bass, C. E; Sonntag, W. E.
2011. Neuroscience; 185: 50 - 60

Morphological changes induced by insulin-like growth factor-I gene therapy in pituitary cell populations in experimental prolactinomas.
Camihort, G. A; Hereñú, C. B; Luna, G. C; Rodríguez, S. S; Bracamonte, M. I; Goya, R. G; Cónsole, G. M.
2010. Cells tissues organs. Karger. vol. 191, p. 316-325

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor gene therapy ameliorates chronic hyperprolactinemia in senile rats.
Morel, G. R; Sosa, Y. E; Bellini, M. J; Carri, N. G; Rodriguez, S, S; Bohn, M. C; Goya, R.
2010. Neuroscience; vol. 167 p. 946 - 953

Decrease in PTEN and increase in Akt expression and neuron size in aged rat spinal cord.
Rodríguez de Amorim, M. A; García-Segura, L. M; Goya, R, G; Portiansky, E.
L.2010Experimental gerontology. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd. vol. 45, p. 457-463

Carbohydrates and glycoforms of the major egg perivitellins from Pomacea apple snails (Architaenioglossa: Ampullariidae).
Morel, G; Sosa, Y. E; Bellini, M. J; Carri, N. G; Rodriguez, S; Bohn, M. C; Goya, R. G.
2010. Neuroscience. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd. vol. 167, p. 946-953

The ependymal route for insulin-like growth factor-1 gene therapy in the brain.
Hereñu C. B; Sonntag W.E; Morel G. R; Portiansky E. L; Goya R. G.
2009. Neuroscience. Elsevier, vol. 163, p. 442-447

Morphological Restoration of Gonadotrope Population by Thymulin Gene Therapy in Nude Mice.
Reggiani P; Martínez E; Ferese C; Goya R; Cónsole G.
202009. Histology and Histopathology. Murcia, Spain: Gutenberg, vol. 24 nº6, p.729-735

The thymus-neuroendocrine axis: physiology, molecular biology and therapeutic potential of the thymic peptide thymulin.
Reggiani P.C; Morel G. R; Cónsole G. M; Barbeito C. G; Rodriguez S; Brown O. A; Bellini M. J; Pléau J. M; Dardenne M; Goya R. G.
2009. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. Blackwell Publishing, vol. 1153, p. 98-106

Effect of insulin-like growth factor- I gene therapy on the somatotropic axis in experimental prolactinomas.
Console G.M; Hereñú C. B; Camihort G. A; Luna G. C; Ferese C; Goya R. G.
2009. Cells Tissues Organs. Basel: Karger AG, vol. 190, p. 20-26

Estrogen inhibits tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons but does not cause irreversible damage.
Morel, G. R; Caron, R. W; Console, G. M; Soaje, M; Sosa, Y. E; Rodríguez, S. S; Jahn, G. A; Goya, R. G.
2009. Brain Research Bulletin. Amsterdam: Elsevier, vol. 80, n° 6, p. 347-352

Insulin-like growth factor-I gene therapy reverses morphologic changes and reduces hyperprolactinemia in experimental rat prolactinomas.
Console, G. M; Hereñu, C. B; Camihort, G. A; Luna, G. C; Bracamonte, M. I; Morel, G. R; Goya, R. G.
2008. Molecular cancer. Londres: Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 7-13

Dopaminergic mesencephalic systems and motor performance in very old rats.
Sánchez, H. L; Silva, L. B; Portiansky, E. L; Hereñu, C. B; Goya, R. G.
2008. Neuroscience. USA: Elsevier, vol. 154, n° 4, p. 1598-1606

Preventive action of neonatal gene therapy with the thymic hormone thymulin on the ovarian atrophy of adult nude mice.
Reggiani, P.C; Flamini, M. A; Rodriguez, S. S; Goya, R. G; Barbeito, C. G.
2008. Biocell. Mendoza: IHEM-CONICET, vol. 32, p. 137-137

Potential of gene therapy for restoration of endocrine thymic function in thymus-deficient animal models.
Morel, G. R; Reggiani, P. C; Cónsole, G. M; Rimoldi, O. J; Vesenbeckh, S. M; García De Bravo, M; Rodríguez, S. S; Brown, O. A; Goya, R. G.
2008.Curr gene ther. Bentham Science Publishers, vol. 8 n° 1 p.49-53 ISSN 1566-5232

Potential of gene therapy for restoration of endocrine thymic function in thymus-deficient animal models.
Morel G. R; Reggiani P. C; Console, G. M; Rimoldi, O. J; Vesenbeckh, S. M; Garcia De Bravo M. M; Rodriguez, S. S; Brown, O. A; Goya, R. G.
2007. Curr gene ther... vol. 8, p. 49-53

PTTG expression in different experimental and human prolactinomas in relation to dopaminergic control of lactotropes.
Cristina, C; Diaz Torga, G; Goya, R. G; Kakar, S. S; Perez Millan, M. I; Giannella Neto, D; Bronstein, M. D; Becu Villalobos, D.
2007. Molecular cancer. Inglaterra: BMC. vol. 6, p. 4-9

Fatty acid profiles in hepatic membranes of rats with different levels of circulating estrogen and prolactin.
Bellini, M. J; Carino, M; Tacconi de Gomez Dumm, I. N; Goya, R. G.
2007. Comparative biochemistry and physiology molecular and integrative physiology. USA: Elsevier. vol. 146, p. 470-474

Restorative effect of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Gene Therapy in the Hypothalamus ofsenile rats with Dopaminergic dysfunction.
Hereñu, C. B; Cristina, C; Rimoldi, O. J; Becu-Villalobos, S; Cambiaggi, V; Portiansky, E. L; Goya, R. G.
2007. Gene therapy. Nature Publishing Group. vol. 14, p. 237-245. ISSN 0969-7128

Thymulin gene therapy prevents the reduction in circulating gonadotropins induced by thymulin deficiency in mice.
Goya, R. G; Reggiani, P. C; Vesenbeckh, S. M; Pleau, J. M; Sosa, Y. E; Console, G. M; Schade, R; Henklein, P; Dardenne, M.
2007. American journal of physiology-endocrinology and metabolism. American Physiological Society. vol. 293, p. 182-187

Implication of oxidative stress, aging and inflammatory processes in neurodegenerative diseases: growth factors as therapeutic approach.
Herrera Macarena Lorena; Falomir-Lockhart, Eugenia; Dolcetti, Franco Juan Cruz; Arnal, Nathalie; Bellini, María Jose; Hereñu, Claudia B.; Disgiulo, Pascual.
2019: Springer, p. 1-465. ISBN 978-3-319-17103-6

Implication of oxidative stress, aging and inflammatory processes in neurodegenerative diseases: growth factors as therapeutic approach.
Herrera, M. L; Falomir-Lockhart, E; Dolcetti, F. J. C; Arnal, N; Bellini, M. J; Hereñu, C. B; Gargiulo, P. A; Mesones Arroyo, H. L.
2018. Springer, p. 165-176. ISBN 978-3-319-95359-5

Logros y promesas de la medicina regenerativa en el tratamiento de enfermedades neurodegenerativas.
López-León, M; Lehmann, M; Goya, R. G.
2016. Universidad de Murcia (Master); 6º Ed.; Viguera Editores SLU; Barcelona; 2016. Capítulo en el libro “Desordenes del Movimientro”.

Medicina regenerativa para el tratamiento de enfermedades nuerodegenerativas.
López-León, M: Goya, R. G.
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Gene Delivery Systems.
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2013. Editorial InTech, p. 165-192. ISBN 978-953-51-1207-5

Neuroendocrine system and aging: growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, prolactin and insulin.
Sonntag William, E; Hereñú, C. B; Goya, R. G.
2008. New York. New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.

Neuroendocrine Aging: Pituitary-metabolism.
Sonntag W. E; Hereñú, C. B.
2006. New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience; p. 1-18

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